Diagnosed (or not) with attention deficit disorder, did you know apps can help you on a daily basis to boost your focus and your productivity?

4 min read

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If you have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) without or with hyperactivity (ADHD), or think you might have it, you are far from alone. It is estimated that between 3 and 5 percent of the population has ADD, which means that millions of people around the world are affected by this condition.

ADD can be a challenge in many areas of life. Those who suffer from it may find it difficult to focus on tasks, pay attention to detail, or keep track of time. As a result, they may struggle with work deadlines, school assignments, or even everyday chores.

But there is hope! In addition to pharmacological options, there are now many apps available to help people with ADD focus and be more productive in their daily lives.

What are some signs of ADD?

There is no one test that can diagnose ADD, with or without hyperactivity. However, there are certain criteria that doctors look for when evaluating whether someone has the condition. These include:

  • Inattention
    Difficulty sustaining attention on tasks or activities, often resulting in careless mistakes or unfinished work.

  • Hyperactivity
    Restlessness, fidgeting, or feeling unable to sit still for long periods of time.

  • Impulsivity
    Acting without thinking, speaking without thinking, or interrupting others.

If you think you or your child may have ADD, it is important to speak with a doctor. Only a trained medical professional can diagnose the condition.

Treatment options for ADD with or without hyperactivity

If you have been diagnosed with ADD, there are a number of treatments that can help you manage your condition and improve your focus and productivity. These treatments include medication, behavioral therapy, and counseling.


Medication is the most common treatment for ADD. Stimulant medications such as Adderall and Ritalin are often prescribed to help people with ADD to focus and concentrate. These medications can be effective, but they can also have side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, and irritability.

Exercise and lifestyle habits

Exercise is a top nonpharmaceutical treatment: in children with ADHD, it has been shown to improve attention and decrease aggression and impulsiveness. Eating a balanced diet and limiting screen time are also important.

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy is another option for treating ADD. This type of therapy helps people to learn new skills for managing their condition. Behavioral therapy may involve techniques such as time management training, goal setting, and task organization.

Studying or working with ear shells is also a way that can pay off, as is working or studying using the "pomodoro" method, with a timer!

How can apps help people with AD(H)D?

There are many ways that apps can help people with AD(H)D to be more focused and productive. Here are just a few:

  • Learn new skills
    Many apps offer tutorials or lessons on how to better manage time, stay organized, or improve focus.

  • Boost attention and focus
    Some apps use games or other activities to help train the brain to pay attention for longer periods of time. Others block out the multiple distractions that can occur on mobile devices these days.

  • Improve productivity
    There are also many “productivity” apps that can help with things like goal setting, task management, and time tracking.

Brili Routines for kids is a visual timer app that helps kids with ADD stay on task and on time. The app includes gentle audible prompts, notifications and alarms for scheduled routines. Parents can also create personalized rewards their children can work towards.

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The Brili Routines app for adults is a daily routine app that helps adults with attention deficit disorder (ADD) to get their tasks done, build healthy habits and enjoy their individual routine happiness. The app features routines for different parts of the day, reminders to get started and keep on track, step-by-step guidance, and a smart timer to make sure the user finish on time. It is fully customizable to your individual needs and includes motivational quotes, messages and goals.

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In-app purchases

Tiimo app is a visual daily planner that can help organize your life, stick to routines, and work towards personal goals. It can be used to support the user in doing the things he needs to do, in a visual and motivating way. This app is designed to be inclusive and helpful across neurodiversity, including for autistic people and/or those with ADHD, and support executive function challenges like planning, organization, time management, and focus.

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In-app purchases

Forest helps people with ADD or ADHD by providing a gamified timer that encourages focus and motivation. Over 800,000 real trees have been planted by users, providing a sense of achievement and responsibility that helps people stay away from their phones and make better use of their time.

This app can be used to practice the "pomodoro method".

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In-app purchases


These days, focus and productivity are more important than ever. For people with attention deficit disorder (ADD), this can be a challenge. However, there are now apps that can help you focus and be more productive in your daily life.

If you or someone you know has ADHD, consider downloading or suggesting one of these apps today!

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