Tools for autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

3 min read

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that begins early in life and affects how a person acts and interacts with others, communicates, and learns. People with ASD may be diagnosed with one of three types of ASD: autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). Each type of ASD has its own set of symptoms. Some people with ASD are severely impaired while others are able to function relatively well.

It is estimated that 1 in 68 children have been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. Boys are nearly 5 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ASD.

Barriers to functioning in daily life

There are many different symptoms associated with ASD, and the severity of those symptoms can vary greatly from one person to another. People with ASD may have difficulty communicating and interacting with others. They may also have repetitive behaviors or interests and be sensitive to changes in their routine or environment. These symptoms can make it hard for people with ASD to function in daily life.

People with ASD often have difficulty understanding social cues and reading nonverbal communication, such as body language or facial expressions. This can make it hard for them to know how to respond in social situations. People with ASD may also talk about topics that are of interest to them without regard for the interests of the person they are talking to.

People with ASD often have repetitive behaviors or restricted interests. They may engage in repetitive motions, such as flapping their hands or rocking back and forth. They may also insist on always doing things the same way, such as eating the same food every day or following rigid routines.

Apps may help people with ASD

There are many apps that can help people with ASD in their daily lives. Some apps can help with communication, social skills, and behavior. Other apps can provide information and support for families and caregivers.

Also, apps can help children gain confidence and help them in developing skills such as decision making, communication and social interaction. By positive reinforcement technique and gamification, it may help with the motivation to improve and learn.

Kairos is a game-based app that helps kids with ASD improve their attention and focus. The app is designed to be fun and engaging, with rewards for completing tasks. The app also includes a parents' guide with tips and advice on positive parenting.

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Kairos - Kids Chores Game
Neuro Solutions Group
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In-app purchases

Tiimo is a visual daily planning app that helps organize life, stick to routines, and work towards personal goals. It is designed to be inclusive and helpful across neurodiversity, including for Autistic people and/or those with ADHD, and support executive function challenges like planning, organization, time management, and focus.

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In-app purchases

Brili Routines is an app that helps kids with daily routines. It features visual timers, audible prompts, and rewards to help kids stay on track and on time. Parents can customize routines and activities, and monitor their child's progress from anywhere.

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It is important to remember that people with ASD often have difficulty understanding social cues and reading nonverbal communication. This can make it hard for them to know how to respond in social situations. However, there are many apps that can help people with ASD in their daily lives. Some apps can help with communication, social skills, and behavior. Other apps can provide information and support for families and caregivers.

If you or someone you know has ASD, there are ways to get help, and tools that can help. It might be a good idea to try using apps to find one that will appeal to and help you or the person you know who has ASD.

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