Skin problem?

2 min read

Close up of dry skin

Skin problems are extremely common, affecting people of all ages and skin types. While some skin conditions are temporary and easily treatable, others can be chronic and require ongoing management.

There are a variety of apps available that can help people with skin conditions track their symptoms, find treatments and connect with others who have similar experiences.

If you're struggling with a skin condition, app may be able to help you better manage your symptoms and find relief. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best apps for managing different types of skin conditions.

How apps may help

There are a number of ways that app can help people with skin conditions. For example, many apps allow users to track their symptoms over time. This can be helpful for identifying patterns or triggers for flare-ups. Some apps also offer tips and advice on managing different types of skin conditions.

Some apps provide a community forum where users can connect with others who have similar experiences. This can be a valuable resource for finding support and sharing information about treatments and coping strategies.

Wearable devices can be helpful too: for example, patches connected to an app and placed on the skin may allow to measure the exposure to UV radiation and to warn when it is too important.

New AI technology can predict the risk posed by a lesion, from a picture taken by the user with its smart device camera.

In any case, if you think you have a skin condition and it is not diagnosed, talk to a health care professional first. Apps can then be a valuable additional tool in your treatment plan.


The MoleCare app helps users manage their skin health and spot changes in their moles. It includes features such as the ability to monitor and compare moles, perform ABCDE(melanoma risk) analysis, establish a skin self-examination routine, and learn more about skin health.

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2AY Ltd
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EczemaWise: Eczema Tracker App

EczemaWise is a first-of-its-kind app from the National Eczema Association, designed to help you keep a record of your (or your child's) triggers, symptoms and treatments so you can get back to living. Based on science and input from the eczema community and physicians, EczemaWise can reveal trends and insights that you can share with your doctor to find solutions.

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Eczema Tracker by EczemaWise
National Eczema Association
apple is available for this applicationandroid is available for this application

Vik Psoriasis

The app Vik Psoriasis is designed to help people with psoriasis manage and understand more about their condition. The app provides information on symptoms, treatments, and diagnostic procedures. It also allows users to track their symptoms and share their experiences with other users.

apple is available for this applicationandroid is available for this application


While there is no cure for many skin conditions, fortunately there are countless ways to manage and treat them. Apps can be a valuable tool in this process, offering features such as symptom tracking, treatment tips and community support.

If you're struggling with a skin condition, apps can certainly help you better manage your symptoms and find more relief.

Your health care professional can help you choose

Feeling confident is important. Get all the essential information about health apps by talking to your healthcare professional.

AppGuide provides reliable information about mobile health apps that allows patients and healthcare professionals to make informed, shared decisions about using a health app to track health status or act on your priority health goals.

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