MedHelper Inc.
Free app, used for monitoring and self-care.
MedHelper is designed to help individuals with a health condition keep track of their medical treatments. It is intended to improve users' health by promoting better adherence to treatment plan.
MedHelper peut être recommandée par les employeurs et les professionnels de la santé afin d’accompagner les patients dans leurs plans de soin.
Les employés peuvent avoir accès à une consultation virtuelle auprès d’un pharmacien dont le coût serait remboursé par l'employeur. Pour obtenir ce service, les utilisateurs peuvent parler à leur employeur de MedHelper.
Extended monitoringUpdated 11 days ago
The app allows users to set personalized reminders of their health treatment plan. Users can track their progress and share it with their healthcare professionals. They can also communicate with other MedHelper users. The app should be used throughout the entire medical treatment for better results.
TherAppX Review•Health App Assessor Team
Updated May 16, 2023
Quality scores support informed decision-making, vendor comparison, and risk management.
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