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Strengthen Your Healthcare Offering With Trusted
Self-Care Tools

Collections d'outils

Save time and money sorting through 325,000 applications, and deploy your selected tool collections in days rather than months.

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For Innovation Managers

Create Your Own Tool Collections

Accelerate your monitoring and selection of digital health tools with reliable and up-to-date evaluation data.

90% of tasks have already been completed.

To find out more or order a tool watch :

outils de veille et de sélection d'outils d'autosoins
Microsite de référence d'outils d'autosoins

For Your Patient

Distribute Trusted Tools Efficiently

Create a microsite that refers your patients to quality-assured tools tailored to their needs. Deploy a collection in less than 10 days, at 10% of normal costs.

Microsite realizations :

For Health Professionals

Refer Your Patient To The Best Tool

Access the collections provided by your organization straight from your professional software.

AppGuide Pro

Discover the 8 collections designed by our clinicians.

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Go Beyond Popularity Ratings

The 5-star reviews found in app stores are often uninformative. Our study shows the value of a library of expert-reviewed apps to help you find more specific health apps.

Time And Energy Saving

It simplifies my experience of recommending apps as part of my patients’ diabetes care. It saves me the trouble of helping the patient download the tool and refers to the app for support. I save a lot of time and energy.

Martin Payer, pharmacienMartin Payer, Pharmacist

Healthcare Organizations That Trust AppGuide

CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-MontréalUniversité LavalAlberta InnovatesInitiative sur la santé mentale étudiante en enseignement supérieurHeart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

750 +Inventoried Studies Demonstrate The Potential Of These Tools To Improve Care

Digital Health Tools Offer Accessible Solutions

Examples of documented benefits

  • Reducing appointments and re-hospitalization
  • Prevention and health promotion
  • Adherence to treatment plan
  • Time savings in chronic disease management
  • Etc.

Most popular themes

  • Mental health
  • Addiction
  • Home care
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiology
  • Chronic pain
  • Employee assistance programs (EAP)
  • Etc.

Digital health tools statistics

50% of citizens tried a health app downloaded from traditional app marketplaces in 2021.

4% of these apps offer functionalities relevant for self-care.

20% of them maintain a sufficient trust score to be recommended.

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