Medication Adherence
Recommended apps to simplify the management of
your medication
We offer you a selection of apps to help you with your medication intake while keeping control over the symptoms associated with your health condition.
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Why offer medication
adherence apps?
We know it can be difficult to take medications consistently. Medication tracking apps can be excellent tools to help with taking medications as prescribed, avoiding forgetfulness and mistakes in taking them. They can also help set reminders and record medical information.
These mobile applications allow you to follow your current medication treatment to maximize its effectiveness and avoid any serious health problems or complications resulting from improper intake. In addition, many of these apps provide useful educational material to learn more about one's condition or treatment plan in an understandable format.
Mobile health applications such as those proposed in these pages are therefore becoming increasingly important tools for anyone who is connected and seeking greater autonomy in managing their medications.

Where you and your health professional go for health apps
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TherAppX Trust Report are reports built for patients and healthcare providers, by healthcare providers. They use data coming from TherAppX Review, world’s most efficient health apps assessment data generation process.
AppGuide distributes this content to make sure we provide a safe space to empower every individual to make the right decision for their health.