Easing the addiction recovery journey

2 min read


Addiction is a complex and challenging problem that affects millions of people around the world. Whether it's alcohol, drugs, gambling, or even smoking, addictions can be very difficult to overcome. Fortunately, with the advent of addiction health apps, people struggling with addiction issues now have access to a range of tools and resources to help them on the road to recovery.

One of the main benefits of addiction health apps is that they provide 24/7 support for people trying to quit using. This kind of support is crucial for people who feel isolated or alone during the recovery process. Many apps offer features like daily motivational messages, reminders to attend support group meetings, and even virtual support groups that can connect individuals with others going through similar struggles.

Furthermore, many addiction treatment apps also provide progress-tracking and behaviour-monitoring tools. For instance, some health apps allow users to track their sober days or help them identify triggers that lead to the consumption of psychoactive substances.

Reframe is based on a neuroscientific approach to change your relationship with alcohol, helping you to reduce or stop your consumption.

The app offers an evidence-based educational program, progress tracking, community support and a host of tools, such as meditations.

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In-app purchases

Another popular app is Pelago Health, which aims to help people quit smoking. The health app offers personalized plans and coaching to help users quit smoking and stay smoke-free. It uses cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques to help users modify their behavior and adopt healthier habits. The app also provides daily motivational messages and tracks smoking cessation progress.

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Pelago Health
Digital Therapeutics Ltd
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In-app purchases

With over 100,000 reviews on the App Store, this app, which supports both substance dependence treatment and other forms of addiction, is certainly worth considering. It offers, among other things, sobriety tracking, reiteration of a daily pledge, analysis of triggers or risk factors, sharing of your story with a community and a timeline with milestones reached.

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I Am Sober
I Am Sober LLC
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In-app purchases

Take an active role in your recovery

All in all, addiction treatment apps can be a valuable tool for people trying to stop using them. With features like 24/7 support, progress tracking, and personalized coaching, addiction treatment apps can provide the guidance and motivation individuals need to overcome addiction.

With the help of the apps above, individuals can take an active role in their recovery and work towards building a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Your health care professional can help you choose

Feeling confident is important. Get all the essential information about health apps by talking to your healthcare professional.

AppGuide provides reliable information about mobile health apps that allows patients and healthcare professionals to make informed, shared decisions about using a health app to track health status or act on your priority health goals.

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